“A bitter spirit is not only bad in itself, but it can also poison the lives of many others” (Hebrews 12:15).
Resentment poisons everyone around you. When you become bitter, you hurt all kinds of other innocent people and you perpetuate the pain because if you don’t release your offender, you’re going to resemble them. “Oh, I’ll never be like so and so!” You are FOCUSING on what you don’t want. And what you resist, persists. And you’re going to become a bitter person. In time, you’ll become just like what you despised about that individual(s) who hurt you.
Did you know bitterness can be passed down from one generation to the next? If you don’t break the chain, you’re going to pass it down. Somebody’s got to stop the misery by releasing that person or those people who have hurt you. Why forgive those who have hurt you? One, because God has forgiven you, and you’re going to need more forgiveness in the future. It’s the only way you’re going to get well. There is no other way. You’ve got to release your “right” to get even.
Forgive, even as God in Christ has forgiven you.”