The Demonic Out of the Closet

There is a large segment of society that is as antithetical to a Christian worldview as you can get, and it’s all on parade this week. They’re no longer hiding it. We have not seen this kind of display out in the open until now. What is happening is demonic. When...

Everyone Needs A Cheerleader

If you’ve had or currently have a cheerleader in your life, be thankful for that person, because he or she is literally a Godsend. In my case, that person was my mother who is with the Lord now. Because the truth is that you and I will never please everyone and we may...


“I am not ashamed of the Gospel…” I will continue to lovingly and boldly proclaim it until I go home. I must speak the truth: there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. The thing that causes my heart the greatest concern are those who have outright rejected Jesus...


There is a God. His Name is Jesus Christ. He is not a candidate. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. He has walked on this earth, lived a sinless life, and died for our sins. He Is Risen from the dead, and seated at the right hand of the Father and He is right now,...

A Word of Wisdom from John MacArthur

While I, a Pentecostal minister, have significant doctrinal disagreements with John MacArthur, I still respect him greatly as a man of God and have gleaned a lot from him. Here is an excerpt (below) of something he wrote almost a quarter century ago and his words ring...


If you’ve ever been so down, ready to give up and bombarded with thoughts that your life has made no difference to anyone. If you’re tempted to think the dream you have been chasing for so long will never come to fruition—stop. Stop and lift up praises to God and...