My family and close friends personally know my grown son who has autism. Many well meaning people over the years have asked this pretty profound question of me as a minister and that is, “Why does God create people with special needs such as low functioning Down...


The spiritual realm is real. There are things that invite the presence of the Holy Spirit and things that invite demonic influence. What you and I allow into our home affects the spiritual atmosphere in our midst. What we tolerate will take root. What you do not...


The greatest love of all isn’t found in advice from magazines, books, internet sites or people. God is the Source through Jesus Christ, His Son, and the place to look is the Bible. It begins with opening our heart and accepting the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross...


You can’t get well as long as you harbor resentment inside. For your own sake, you must let go of the “right” to get even. After being hurt, one of the most difficult decisions is, “Do I want to get well or do I want to get even?”...

Break the Chain of Bitterness

“A bitter spirit is not only bad in itself, but it can also poison the lives of many others” (Hebrews 12:15). Resentment poisons everyone around you. When you become bitter, you hurt all kinds of other innocent people and you perpetuate the pain because if...

Blessings Always Follow Obedience

It’s been two years living in Connecticut after following the leading of the Holy Spirit to relocate to New England and be close to the grandchildren. I confess to coming up here not knowing anyone and with my own plans for ministry and presuppositions about...