God desires for us to be generous givers in the work of the Kingdom. He really does want us to prosper so we might manage our abundance wisely and thus, distribute more widely and generously all that he desires to give us (2 Corinthians 9). Our willingness to grow and take over large areas of dominion in participation with His Kingdom work is evidence of our spiritual maturity. Jesus calls us into a deeper relationship with himself, the King whom Revelation 5:12 describes as holding “all the riches.” As his bride, we are joint heirs, and called into stewardship for Him in our wealth. Further, the world system is called “mammon,” and according to Jesus’ words, mammon has a very personal and forceful influence in our lives that we must reject in favor of this unique stewardship role with God. When we make this choice, our own hearts and lives enlarge to include all of God’s blessings and increase. Then, our churches, ministries, and communities enlarge as well, and our spiritual impact becomes truly significant; not just for ourselves but for others…even unbelievers.