I’m convinced that there are multiple millions of people to whom God is whispering, “My child, I’m not through with you. Hear and be ready because I have some more for you to do.”
Maybe even someone reading this has said, “Yeah, but I’ve made such a mess of my life. I’ve done this or that and I’ve made a shambles of that marriage or the family.” Or you’re thinking, “I’ve drank myself into oblivion, and I just blew this on drugs. So how could God use me?”
Let me ask you this: How can God use anybody?
There are no perfect people in this world for God to use.
All He needs is for your heart to be willing and obedient.
He just needs for your heart to say, “Yes.”
All He needs is for you to repent, open your heart to Jesus and say, “I believe I am truly forgiven, cleansed, and washed in the blood of Christ.”
“You’ll be amazed at what I can do with you,” says the Lord.
Wherever you are, give Him praise and thanksgiving!
Now, begin moving forward boldly into God’s perfect will and plan by faith…one small step at a time.
Make the rest of your life the best of your life!
In Jesus’ Name. AMEN!